On 12.21.23 at 7:27 pm PST we enter into the shortest day and longest night of the year within the Northern Hemisphere. December 21st, the Winter Solstice is the start of a season within a season, and I encourage you to offer yourself to the…View Post
Transformation I have been working in the void of transformation, a liminal space. It feels sticky, gelatinous, and hot, and it has been very uncomfortable. We are all somewhere on the edge of our own Liminal Space, a deep place within us capable of radical…View Post
The great paradox in the world of Being and Doing exists in looking at their definitions. According to Dictionary.com, Doing is action, performance, and execution. Being is existing, living, and the nature or essence of a person. In Doing, we master every little task needed…View Post
Letting Go & Trusting the Universe I have let go significantly in the past month. I lost my beloved dog companion Scout unexpectedly and suddenly. While I am at peace with her transition, death invites us quickly to the doorstep of surrender. I am…View Post
This year has been one of the hardest of my life. I have faced a significant health crisis with no known reason for months, mounting medical bills, and a journey into the depths of my mental and emotional health that have gone off the…View Post
My very favorite time of the year for reflection and evolution is between December 21-through January. January is a transition month, and February marks the new year energetically. It is a great way to ease into the year. There is a lightness and a surrender…View Post
This is the 2nd post in a series. The first post was Returning to your Essence – Finding the Path and Practice back to Yourself -check it out. The Wisdom of Winter The Winter season is here in the Northern Hemisphere, and we are nurturing…View Post
If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. ~Fred DeVito Finding Your Way Back to Yourself I started a new practice called Morning Pages. A process inspired by Julia Cameron’s book “The Artists Way”. A way to create and develop a practice within the…View Post
Longing is the undulating hope of freedom ~Karyn, Move the Moss. Five months into quarantine, with little to no change in my daily routine, I am not sure that I have a good grasp of what time is or whether I know how to access…View Post
The Point of Presence There is a good chance that if you have opened this email or blog post, you are interested in this topic. If you are still reading, you have invested in the Power of Presence as a long-term antidote to the busy…View Post
Have you considered that what fills you up might also be what is weighing you down? The paradox in all of this is that what you hold onto is often the burden of your own desires, yet letting go and releasing the confines of the…View Post