The Point of Presence There is a good chance that if you have opened this email or blog post, you are interested in this topic. If you are still reading, you have invested in the Power of Presence as a long-term antidote to the busy…View Post
Have you considered that what fills you up might also be what is weighing you down? The paradox in all of this is that what you hold onto is often the burden of your own desires, yet letting go and releasing the confines of the…View Post
How to Raise your Vibrations We all feel down and out sometimes, sucked into negativity or the low energy around us. As you navigate life, it is important to learn how to raise your vibrations for your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Energy is…View Post
Deep within all of us lies a Seed, ripe with possibility, yet dormant until we take action or wake up. It is easy to live a life disconnected from the root of who we are and show up in the world, busy, distracted, numb, and…View Post
Fear is only as deep as the mind allows -Japanese Proverb Ground Yourself amid Anxiety and Fear We live in a world that preys on our nervous system that often perpetuates fear. We often fail to recognize the true power we have when we succumb…View Post
I am working toward a time when everything gives me joy –Maya Angelou Cultivate Joy During the course of my life, I have consciously existed in a fluid state of either what has happened (past) or what is going to happen, (future) and have blissfully…View Post
Intuition – the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning Trust your Intuition Recently, I was reading an online forum, and a woman had posed a question about some work she was being asked to do by a former client.…View Post